Basics Feng Shui

What Feng Shui Tips to Follow While Setting Up Your Children’s Room

The main Feng Shui objective in transforming children’s rooms is to create a loving, safe, and healthy environment. A child’s room created with Feng Shui in mind serves as emotional and physical support during the various stages of a child’s development.

Look around your child’s room by keeping Feng Shui in mind and try to find the answer to some questions. How fresh and healthy is the air in your child’s room? Do you have any Feng Shui plants in your kid’s room? Does natural light come inside the room? Are the artificial lights in your children’s room made of high-quality material? Is there any clutter in the room? Try these 3 simple Feng Shui tips which will help you to create better energy in your kid’s rooms and see what major difference it can create.

Build a great Feng Shui Foundation

A good energy foundation in your kid’s rooms is very vital. A clutter-free and clean space with immense positive energy and fresh, clean air might sound easy and simple but are most of the time neglected. You should do your best to create a healthy environment in your children’s room. The first thing you need to do is clear the clutter and create a clean organization system, and then either bring in some air purifying plants or a good quality air purifier.

Personalize the room

There are various Feng Shui factors that you can use in your kid’s room to create much improved and supportive energy. Find your child’s lucky number and direction and see if you can place both the bed and desk in his or her favourite directions. It will be great if you could find your child’s Feng Shui element and decorate the room with his or her supportive colours.

Support Free Expression

When your child’s room has a solid energy foundation, as well as have developed a personalized Feng Shui space for your kid, ensure that you allow for maximum expression of their energy. Let your kid choose art for his or her space- and make sure you display their art in every nook and corner of your home. The more control your child has on his or her space, more encouraged they will feel. This is a good Feng Shui!

Using Feng Shui for raising a child’s self-confidence

Can your child boost his or her self-confidence? Yes. Try to place a full-length mirror in the room. For a kid who could be benefitted from a confidence boost, keeping a full-length mirror in their room will be helpful and while placing the mirror make sure it is hung at their eye level. In addition, fill the room with pictures that uplift and support them. For instance, an image of a teenage pop star is not a good idea if the singer’s message is insignificant. Instead, hang your child’s best artwork or a photo that represents a special moment with their loved ones. It will be more supportive and comforting.

Make a separate space for study and accomplishments

Having a whole dedicated space, including a lamp or a desk where your kids can study, will teach your child the importance of education and your kid’s educational achievement. If you find it as a source of problems, change the study position to the North-East corner of their bedroom. Also, use the southern wall for your kid’s accomplishments.

Always keep these Feng Shui tips in mind while you set up your kid’s room. You will notice positive changes! 

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